Odyssey is an independent, coeducational day school serving students in grades 6 through 8. Odyssey School is fully accredited by the California Association of Independent School (CAIS). Odyssey offers students a robust and challenging academic program as well as a unique and varied expeditionary learning program.
We are small by design – enrollment is limited to about 50 students. Our high staff-to-student ratio allows us to mentor each student and to fully support their growth, academic and personal, as students forge their way through the critical middle school years.
Situated on an idyllic, green, 3.5 acre campus in San Mateo, Odyssey’s “Base Camp” provides a variety of learning spaces both indoors and outdoors. The entire school and faculty are essential team members on expeditions, that transport students away from Base Camp to various places that Odyssians call “Advanced Base Camp” such as the California Redwoods, the Sierra Mountains, the Channel Islands, and Mt. Fuji in Japan and other destinations, in order to implement the philosophies and educational objectives of our expeditionary learning program.
Total Enrollment
Student:Teacher Ratio
Yearly Expeditions
% Receiving Tuition Grants
Our Program
- Challenging core curriculum in math, science, language arts, social studies, and Japanese
- Unparalleled international expeditionary learning program
- Creative arts program
- Social-emotional learning
- Physical education classes in yoga, martial arts, boxing and aerobics
- Daily mindfulness practice
- Community service
- Small-group advisory
- Peer-to-peer mentorship
- Odyssey is accredited by the California Association of Independent Schools.